Smart farming is the best revolutionising practice to grow more food with significant quality sustainably.
With regard to crop irrigation, for instance, the smart farming method will find and alert the farmers when optimum level of water is not available for individual plants. This would help farmers to decide when and how much of water to provide as well as to react to variations in different parts of the field.
Automated systems are available to provide early warnings in case of deviations from normal growth. Precision farming is a part of smart farming, with the facility to measure and analyze soil data like temperature, nutrients and vegetative health to help farmers apply the right fertilizer and irrigate their farms optimally. The process reduces input waste, thereby improving farm productivity automatically. Such analytics can easily be used by small-scale farmers.
A recent survey revealed that 97% of the farmers are willing to pay for access to climate information. The key users include individual farmers and traders, farmers’ associations, agri-business and public sector organisations like national agricultural ministries. Online platforms provides buy and sell offers, details of agricultural input and crop prices, extension messages, locations where seeds and fertilizers are available, as well as other information.
We need to find a way to produce ample food with less resources in a more responsible way. The first major step — growth in agricultural production — happed more than 100 years ago with the advent of the nitrate-based mineral fertilizer.
As our challenges grow — demand for higher quality food, climate change, water scarcity, pollution, reducing biodiversity, significant population growth, wealth driving higher value nutrition — we need new technologies and gadgets to even maintain, let alone improve, the way we grow food. Ascentya believes that smart farming is the key answer to these challenges and envisions this as a critical solution and continues investing in smart farming.
Smart farming is the best revolutionising practice to grow more food with significant quality sustainably.
With regard to crop irrigation, for instance, the smart farming method will find and alert the farmers when optimum level of water is not available for individual plants. This would help farmers to decide when and how much of water to provide as well as to react to variations in different parts of the field.
Automated systems are available to provide early warnings in case of deviations from normal growth. Precision farming is a part of smart farming, with the facility to measure and analyze soil data like temperature, nutrients and vegetative health to help farmers apply the right fertilizer and irrigate their farms optimally. The process reduces input waste, thereby improving farm productivity automatically. Such analytics can easily be used by small-scale farmers.